Looking for a house in Brisbane

Brisbane is a fairly popular city among expatriates from around the world so finding a home may take some time. Prices are quite high compared to other Australian cities.
There are different housing solutions depending on your budget.

Good to know that every Saturday morning, the Brisbane real estate agencies offer visits to the properties available on the market.
Search for a home
First of all, you need to establish clearly the type of accommodation you are looking for, address the search according to your housing needs and your budget.

The city center, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast are the most suitable neighborhoods to live.

In Brisbane rents are paid every two weeks or on a monthly basis.
The cost, at an indicative level, of a one-bedroom apartment varies between 150 and 200 AUS $ (Australian dollars) per week.
If you move alone you can also opt for sharing a home.
Among the students, homestay accommodation remains the most popular option, especially if you stay only for a few months.